Support Packages

Support Packages

I offer different support packages based on your child's current sleep challenges and the level of support your family desire. I take the time to understand your child's sleep challenges and your family's goals. With my expertise and personalised approach, I will create a customised sleep plan that will set your child on the path to sleep and enrich you with the tools to support this process. Book in for a 15 minute discovery call to discuss your goals and we can see what plan works for your family.

Helping Hand Call

  • An opportunity to speak with a Child Sleep Consultant for 30 minutes. Perfect if you don't need a full package.
  • This call enables you to seek advice and guidance on small issues such as early wakings, split nights,nap transitions etc.
  • This call does not involve guidance on how to sleep train/self settle.

*This package is suitable for families looking for small tweaks to their routine and whose child is able to self settle.

Guiding Hand

  • Full analysis of the current routine & sleep over 3 days.
  • 1 Hour consultation to discuss the plan that I feel will support you in achieving your goals.
  • A tailored sleep plan that is suited for your child with an indepth plan on how to tackle the current issues you are facing.
  • 5 support emails within the 3 week support period.


Hand in Hand

  • 3 Weeks of WhatsApp support.
  • An in depth analysis of your child's sleep during the day and night over 3 days.
  • 1 hour consultation to discuss the plan that I feel will support you in achieving your goals.
  • 1 hour consultation to discuss my findings from your child's routine logs. We will talk through what I feel is the barrier to sleep for your child. Together we will go through the plan I have made to enable you and your family to get started to achieve the sleep you all need.
